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Walking Through Confetti
May 18, 2025, 9:30 PM
Novi High School


To get your ticket, simply click the "Register Now" link above to get started. At check out select how you plan to pay.

Online: Pay with a credit card right on the website. Or, 



  1. High School Registration.  Complete the district registration form before August 12 (or August 21 for the makeup date) to sign up and pay

  2. Venmo. Send your payment to @NoviSANP (last 4 digits 2614). Include the student’s name and #2025SANP in the memo.  Search for the Venmo handle under "Charities"

  3. Check/Cash: Contact us through to arrange

No physical tickets here! You’ll get a virtual ticket and be on the check-in list.  


You must have your student ID for event check-in. ​​


Purchase Before:​

Nov 1 - $90 (+7 grand prize raffle tix)

Feb 1 - $110 (+4 grand prize raffle tix)

May 11 - $125 (+2 grand prize raffle tix)

At Door (cash only) - $150 (+1 grand prize raffle tix)

How is the money used? 

All funds raised (tickets, donations) are reinvested into the event, covering entertainment, food, drinks, prizes and decorations. 

Why the graduated price structure? 

We establish a budget at the start of the school year, allowing proactive planning for party activities. Early ticket purchases earn extra grand prize raffle tickets at check-in.

What options are available if the cost is a concern or special considerations are needed? 

The SANP is open to all graduating students. Please contact your student's counselor to discuss any needs early, so we can plan accordingly.


Students are expected to stay for the entire event unless prior exceptions are approved.


How are raffle tickets used?

During the SANP we will have a large assortment of raffle prizes on display.  Graduates will put their raffle tickets into the corresponding box(es) for the prize(s) they are interested in winning.  Winning tickets are drawn throughout the night. Graduates take any prizes with them at the conclusion of the event.

How does a student earn raffle tickets?

Parents can help graduates receive extra raffle tickets through proactive planning and active participation.  Graduates will receive their tickets when they arrive and check-in at the party.  Raffle tickets are not for sale.  See below for details on how students can receive raffle tickets before and during the party.


Buy Your SANP Ticket Early

Buy your ticket before the "at the door" price goes into effect and you will receive extra "grand prize" raffle ticket(s).  The earlier you buy, the more tickets the graduate receives.


Volunteer on a Committee

Lead the committee or be an active member and your graduate will receive extra tickets.  Chair a committee for 6 extra entries, and be a member for 3 extra tickets.


Volunteer for the Party (Set-up/Night)

We will need hundreds of people on party night to help make this a success.  We will give your graduate 1 extra raffle ticket for every volunteer that helps on their behalf.


Submit Your Kindergarten Pic

Send us a digital photo of your student from their kindergarten year for our walk down memory lane! Earn raffle tickets for early submission!


During the Party 

Graduates will earn additional raffle tickets during the party by participating in SANP games and activities. 

Mary Hocking & Trina Klassa - 2025 Chairs | Jill Viet - Treasurer | Melanie Hearsch - PR/Communications
email:  |  Novi, MI

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