How to Purchase:
Physical tickets will not be distributed. It is a virtual ticket. SANP will have you on the list at check-in.
You must bring your student ID to check-in on May 29.
- Use the district provided registration form prior to August 21 (or makeup date) to signup and pay via on-line tool.
2. Buy via WEBSITE
- After HS Registration closes on August 21, you will be able to purchase on the website
- Click the button below to order and get your ticket
- You can pay via multiple ways:
- Pay directly from the website
- Select "Manual" as the payment type during your check-out process.
CHECK - Mail your check to our treasurer. Write the check to "Novi HS SANP". Include student name and parent email address with the check. Mail to: SANP, c/o Cathy Farris, 45519 Amherst Dr., Novi, MI 48374
CASH - Hand deliver to our treasurer. Contact Cathy Farris at to arrange delivery.
3. Buy via VENMO
- You do not need to use this site to purchase.
- Find Venmo purchase details on this page

Purchase Before:
Nov 1 - $90 (+5 raffle tix)
Feb 1 - $110 (+3 raffle tix)
May 1 - $125 (+1 raffle tix)
At Door - $150 (cash only)
How is the money used?
ALL the money raised (tickets, fundraisers, donations) goes back into running the event. Multiple types of entertainment, music, games, food, drink, raffle prizes, & decorations are purchased or rented for the event. We re-use many of the same decorations year-to-year, which allows us to put more of the funds into the participants experiences that night.
Why the graduated price structure?
We set a budget at the start of the school year and having that strong foundation of available funds early helps us to proactively plan (and pay) for the activities on that May night. As an extra incentive to purchase early, we will furnish extra raffle tickets as noted above which graduates will receive at check-in for the SANP.
What options are available if the cost is outside of our ability, or we might need special considerations (e.g. leaving early)?
The SANP is for all students in the graduating class. Please contact your student's counselor and discuss with them about your needs. They will then let us know the results. Do this early so we can plan accordingly.
Venmo Details
- If purchasing with Venmo, do not use this site to purchase a ticket (it will be an off-line purchase)
- The Venmo account is @novisanp2024 (see info and QR code below)
- Make the appropriate transfer amount
- Include in Venmo comment:
- "SANP Ticket"
- Student first & last name
- Parent’s email address

- Wed, May 29Novi High SchoolGet ready to party! The event starts at 10:30PM after graduation ceremonies on May 29.
- Tue, Oct 03Novi High School Football StadiumCalling all Junior and Senior Novi HS players and coaches. Lace up your shoes and get ready for a fun evening with a friendly competition between classes.
How are raffle tickets used?
During the SANP we will have an area with a large assortment of raffle prizes. Graduates will put their raffle tickets into the corresponding prize box(es) that they are interested in winning. Winning tickets will be drawn throughout the night, and they will come home with any prizes that next morning.
How does a student earn raffle tickets?
Parents can help graduates receive extra raffle tickets through proactive planning and active participation. Graduates will receive their tickets when they arrive and check-in at the party. Raffle tickets are not for sale. See below for details on how students can receive raffle tickets before and during the party.